Family Enterprise Initiative
Who we are, what we have already done and to what we aspire

We are an organization of individuals, mostly representing family businesses. The only requirement to join the IFR is to make a declaration of willingness to support our statutory objectives, such as:

  1. integration of family business environment
  2. support for the family businesses activities
  3. to encourage and promote ethical standards in business
  4. to support and promote the idea of economic freedom
  5. to support and promote the idea of the rule of law and civil society
Our motto is:
Joining to build
  1. We are a public organization operating for the benefit of family businesses, built on the values and conditions of the knowledge society.
  2. We create platform for family businesses joint action, „Family Enterprise”, brand recognition, restoration of the important words’ meaning.
  3. We create influence in local communities.
  4. We participate in civic debate, in the process of making important decisions for the country and creation of a good law.
  5. We are committed to the constitutional legitimacy of family businesses in the Polish legal doctrine.

In all the developed economies of the world family businesses account for the majority of the total number of companies – from the EU’s 60% to 90% and in Poland 78% – which means that in Poland there is about 1.5 million of us and that’s not counting agricultural companies.

Since our funding in 2008 we have done a lot:

  1. We have organized seven annual gatherings of family businesses; the number of paticipants continues to grow from 60 people in 2008 to about 400. In addition we have also organized few thematic conferences.
  2. As a partner of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development we have completed an educational project “Family Business” (budget of 1 million EUR), and in December 2015 we are finishing the second edition (budget 2 million EUR). Also we carry out a project addressed to family businesses in Ukraine.
  3. We are present in the National Council for Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Economy, in the Strategic Council of the quarterly ThinkTank, Microentrepreneur of the Year Competition’s Chapter and several others.
  4. We believe that the potential and the area of influence of every civic organization is built primarily in its regional structures. We encourage our members to create such structures in the beginning as local groups, and then branches. The first of such units was formed in Krakow. As a part of the “Family Business II” project we are building and training a team of local leaders for the family businesses movement.
How to contact us:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone.: +48 667 755 766 (Mon – Fri, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Our mailing address:
Inicjatywa Firm Rodzinnych – ul. Chełmżyńska 180/118, 04-464 Warsaw, POLAND